Every Day A New Pair of Shoes

Edited by: Roberta De Monte  roberta.demonte@positive-magazine.com

Design by: Janne Kyttanen

Where: Nowhere

Proofreading: Fanny De Monte


A new pair of shoes every day? It is the dream of every woman and it can be turned into reality thanks to the invention of the designer Janne Kyttanen: a range of shoes that can be 3D printed.

Kyttanen, creative director at printing giant 3D Systems, has designed four different styles of wedge shoes that can be obtained using the 3D Systems CUBEX printer


The basic idea is to attract new audience to the 3D printing sector. Thanks to this system, consumers can download the shoe free digital files and select size and colour. The printing of one of the models takes approximately 6/7 hours: so if the selected file is sent for printing in the evening, the shoes will be ready in the morning.


The files, that you can find online at Cubify, contain the data to create shoes with a size ranging between 35 and 40 (3 and 7). Customers can choose from four models: Macedonia, whose wedge features holes with different shapes, Facet, which instead is entirely faceted, Leaf and the standard model.


Kyttanen, founder of the Amsterdam design firm Freedom of Creation, is a pioneer in the design for 3D printers and he has always maintained that his goal is to create products that consumers can print at home as an alternative to shopping.


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