A new interview on Positive Magazine: this time we found a new photographer fromĀ  South Korea. Yoonski Kim was born in 1985. He graduated as mechanical engineer and after his graduation he has worked in a display company since he was 27. He started getting into photography since he got an Iphone but now he likes more to take photos with film cameras.

When did you start to think about photography?
I think I have my own way to see the surroundings and Iā€™ve always enjoyed to shoot the photography I liked. One day, I had a conversation with a friend who also loves photography and we came up talking about this subject, ā€œphotographyā€œ. We have never had such an experience before. We started to bring up our own ideas of photography more and more. At first, it was not easy to organize my thoughs but I just did keep talking and o realized many sentences got stacked. And that my idea of photography was getting valid. It was just June, 2015. (I started taking photos in 2012).

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What does photography mean to you? and which kind of photography do you like more?
To me, photography is to “Love myself”. The fact of taking a picture of every moment means loving my surroundings, loving my life, and loving my people. When I see the resoults of photography, I can feel my sights, moves, surroundings, people. these are the components of my whole life. And I like natural scenes. I also like non-intended situation. Many people identify it as “candid”. Beautiful nature, people’s daily life, family’s smiles, drinking with friends, exploring the world. I can say that all those moments of a non-intended situation are my favourites.

2013-08-04 12-12-57When you take a portrait, what is important for you?
Actually, I rarely take portraits. A portrait is something that I would like to try someday. But sometimes when I do it, natural sights and soft smiles are what means the most to me. So i use to do it when people are already set for picture. I think it’s the most natural moment.

Do you think it’s important to follow a school to learn how to shoot?
I think it would be helpful. But i also think that going deep into the study of photography is not fundamental. I think that to learn a theory of photography, looking over a wide variety of photos is enough. But there’s no end when it comes to browsing everything, so you should keep doing it as much as you can.


What’s the photo you want to take and you never did?
“Trip with music, remember with pictures”. I want to take a picture, which contains time we shared, and place we went to. It is not my only memory, Itā€˜s everyones’s. And if there’s someone or something i don’t want to shoot inside my frame, i don’t do it.

What’s your photo-mission?
To “Love myself”, and to “Record my life”: it would be all.

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