City de noirî

Photos by Ireneusz Luty

Ireneusz Luty was born and raised in Warsaw Poland. He graduated in finance and banking in 2004 from the University of Warsaw and moved to Sydney Australia to continue his education. In 2006 he finished his studies in business management at the Australian School of Business and Technology and in 2008 completed his post-graduate study in accounting at the University of Sydney.

During his education he continued to further develop his long-time interest in photography. He is a freelance photographer currently living and working in Sydney. His work and personal projects focus predominantly on documenting social landscape through urban and street photography, looking for unique perspectives in capturing the beauty in daily life.

“City de noirî is a unique and engaging photographic exploration which presents the viewer with Sydney from new and unexpected angles. Pictures explore the ordinary moments absorbed by the intensity of everyday city life, encapsulates the fleeting experience and focuses on the beauty in the mundane. The unpredictable and ever changing nature of the city is conveyed through fluid and dynamic compositions and form, which is achieved through long exposure infrared photography. Pictures create the surreal impression of urban life immersed in rapid city environment. Luty encourages the viewer to examine, consider and reconsider what they see and perceive in his works. Ordinary scenes of everyday life are thus made extraordinary. Sydney is re-imagined and re-presented to the viewer in dark, mysterious and illusory way.

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