Fatal: a new video on Positive Magazine

Fatal talks about friendship, there are two couples who happen to be very good friends with each other, that kind of relationship may cause a feeling of trust that turns complicated when it comes to limits.

Fatal talks about friendship, there are two couples who happen to be very good friends with each other, that kind of relationship may cause a feeling of trust that turns complicated when it comes to limits. The relationships, infidelity, adolescence, the night, provocation and intimate moments are reflected in the character’s personalities who dare to do whatever they want. With a vintage style and paying special attention to photography, Alexan Sarikamichian left aside natural landscapes and got into the intensity of the city. Filmed in Bs AS, Argentina.

Written, Directed and Produced by Alexan Kevork Sarikamichian
Starring: Joaco Fangmann, María Fernández Vocos, Cala Zavaleta y Kevin Gherzi
Producer: Alexan Films
DOP  & Color grade: Sebastian Ferrari
Art Director: Alexan Sarikamichian
Stylist & Producer: Flor Mendez
Editor: Daniela Benedetti
Asist Producer: Pato Mendez  y Fran Capua
Credits: Fer Calvo
Soundtrack “Paraguayas” de Original Artyfacts


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