Florence Girardeau @ Alberta Pane Gallery, Paris


Opening: november 19th from 4pm to 9pm
14 rue Saint – Claude – 75003 Paris

Florence Girardeau frist solo exhibition will take place at Alberta Pane gallery in the heart of Paris. Florance Giradeau (1980) is a french artist graduated at Ensba Paris in 2005.
The perception of space, body and image nowadays is the basis of Florence Girardeau´s art work.

Throught drawing, collage, video and installation, she questions connections and relations between elements. Continuity and discontinuity, detail and whole, the focus is putted on what happens in between. Her approach is of a tactile kind, a haptic vision, every art piece being thought as a proposition rather than as a representation. The importance given to the body − made of cells, atoms, an animal body, without organs − confronts the immateriality of video, and queries the dematerialization of this body in a time when our customs, our relation to the world passes by screens, by virtuality. Besides, the quantity and the immediacy of images today, becoming a stream which assails us or into which we like plunging, are considered by the artist as a continuous food which our memory would try to digest. Some of her videos, conceived as series, remain opened to new units. This aspect of her practice is found again in the graphic work, every drawing being, more than a finished product, a new transformation of a continuous work−in−progress. It is about letting be born a space, while walking on tightrope walker´s rope between landscape, illusion of depth, formless, surface. By gesture and line, a dilemma takes place between closed and opened shape, between automatism and some mental images of humus, herbs, dusts, skin appendages..

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