The rebels of the mountain: Italy celebration of the 25th of April, liberation’s day.

Italy entered the war on June 10, 1940 , after the victory of the Germans against France , with the prospect of a blitzkrieg. However the military unpreparedness of italians leads to some serious setbacks. In 1943, in early July, the Allies landed in Sicily and begin to move up the peninsula.
[dropcap type=”1″]A[/dropcap]lso in July, fell the fascist regime and Mussolini was deposed as head of government that was entrusted to marshal Badoglio. On 8 September 1943 he signed the armistice with the Anglo-American and Italy out of the war.

The king, ignominiously, fleeing for fear of retaliation by Hitler and left the army in disarray; the situation is serious rupture in the Italian consciousness. From this moment, begin to form the first partisan groups on the initiative of anti-fascists and military of the royal army. Initially composed of a few thousand men, they took on consistency with the wide participation of workers, peasants and young draft dodgers of the Republic of Salo that led the army partisan about 300,000 people. The partisan groups gave birth to armed resistance against the Nazi occupation and against the collaborationist fascist and that’s why it was at the same time a war of liberation against the foreigner and a civil war. The partisan groups operating in preference away from population centers to take advantage of the mountainous nature of the country, launching sudden attacks to enemy units or structures of military interest.


The German reprisals were ferocious: massacred hundreds of civilians in many Italian cities. In the spring of 1945, the Anglo American troops, aided by Italian volunteers, broke through the Gothic Line that developed from La Spezia to Rimini along the Apennines spreading in the Po Valley.

[quote_box name=””]On April 25th, the Italian resistance triggered the national uprising against the German occupation.
April 25th is celebrated in Italy as a day of liberation.[/quote_box]

About the author:

Lorenzo Papi was born in 1989, in Foligno (PG) a small town in the center of Italy. After the medicine studies, he developed a passion for photography, especially for reportage and documentary photography. In 2015 he moves to Rome for study and practice photography. In Rome he participates in various workshops and courses, during these studies he developing his personal projects.

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Avvicinamento al 25 aprile. I ribelli delle montagne

Avvicinamento al 25 aprile. I ribelli delle montagne

L'Italia entra in guerra il 10 Giugno 1940, dopo la vittoria dei tedeschi contro



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