Interview with MT



Could you please tell us a little more about yourself.
Where do you live?

I live in Berlin. I’m 31 and started taking pictures about 10 years ago. I have always been fascinated with photography since my dad used to take many beautiful pictures during our long vacation trips all over Europe by camping van. Back home we (my mom, dad and my friends) used to look at them on a big silver screen which always was very cosy and awesome. That’s how I got a very special relationship with photography I guess.


Where does your inspiration comes from?

My inspiration comes from my memories and the people and space around me. Also I read books and go to movies, exhibitions, plays and all that. My favorite photographers probably are Wolfgang Tillmans, Charlotte Gonzalez, Jocelyn Catterson, Will Govus…


In a portrait, what is important for you?

Portraits are a pretty tough field for me because I’m lacking experience. Wolfgang Tillmans in an interview once said something like “In a portrait I want to show the weakness and the strength of a person.” He also said that for him taking a portrait is a very emotional and private act which can always fail.   Personally I still consider myself very much in the beginning of taking portraits – but I’m looking forward to focusing on it more in the future. I have to find my own way interacting with the people I photograph, which for me is the biggest challenge.



What kind of relationship do you have with your subject when you shoot?

Usually I photograph people that I really like and know well – because these people make me feel comfortable. When I photograph things or nature I in the best case commit myself totally to my surroundings and just let it go.



Do you think it’s important to follow a school to learn how to shoot?

Follow a school? You mean getting an university degree in photography? I think that can help a lot. Especially when you want to become a commercial photographer. Otherwise I don’t know. A good writer doesn’t have to go to a writing school and a good singer doesn’t have to have a degree in singing 😉



What’s the photo you want to take and you never did?

The photo I want to take and never did? Probably me and all the people who I have ever loved and cared for in one picture.



What’s your photo-mission?

My photo mission is to go my own way in my photography.





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