100 Aspects of Art – Espacio Gallery, Bethnal Green

The Aspect of Art show will be hosted at the Espacio Gallery, in Bethnal Green, for one week starting the 1st of November 2012. The multidimensional exhibition will feature 20 artists with a 100 different point of views. 2D and 3D work, uplifting, moving colours and monotones will be showcased.

The Aspect of Art show will be hosted at the Espacio Gallery in Bethnal Green for one week starting the 1st of November 2012. The multidimensional exhibition will feature 20 artists with a 100 different point of views. 2D and 3D work, uplifting, moving colours and monotones will be showcased.
Birds Fly & Fish Swim, Carol-ann Lyne
The artists are coming from all over the world. These include Tomas Amare (Ethiopia), Laura Bello (South America), Judith Bieletto (Spain), Anthea Eames (Australia), Susana Ubidia (Ecuador), Nora Velazco (Argentina).

A mixture of themes are at the basis of the artists’ inspiration. Nature, childhood experiences, family dynamics, towns, pilgrimage road to Santiago de Compostela, the concept of surveillance in everyday life, aboriginal sites in Australia.

It all aim to the exploration of the essence of identity, through cultural images and body perceptions, honesty and humour, interaction between people and the environment. All these different forms of energy are exposed in this interesting exhibition. Melancholic memories are mixed with future expectations and fears represented by the beauty of contrasts and colours.

Summer Rays, Lee Herring

Text by: Matilde Casaglia

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Text and Photos by Bar Am-David Bar Am-David is a London/Tel Aviv based

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Photo-Berlin project

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