Gio Black Peter

Gio Black Peter
Photos by: Naruki Kukita taken EastVillageBoys party nyc

Can you tell us something about you, i know you had a pretty difficult situation before arriving in Usa and then in New York City.
I wouldnt say I was in a difficult situation. Yes its true I was born in a third world country but thats not at all too bad considering how many people form a life in the same environment. You make do without electricity. (Joke)

When did you realize that you wanted to work with music? How was the first step?
I always wrote (still do) poems. I would read them at spoken word open mics like the nuyorican poets cafe here in new york. So it was an organic transition into beats and melodies.


It’s fucked up it’s your last success, as i read it was on air on BBC radio in Uk. But it could be intresting telling us about your first song. Did you write it alone or with someone?
I write all the lyrics myself and most of the melodies with the exception of 1 or 2 songs. The first song I wrote was “Monkey Arms”. Again it was a poem turned into a rap. My freind Adam Joseph put a beat to it.

When it was your first exibition on a stage, and where it was?

It was in NYC. There was an open mic competition. I won the first round and then lost the second to a liplip syncing clown.

We have to tell to our readers that you are not only a singer but also an artist. How your art influenced your music? There is a connection between those two elements or not?

Yes there is a connection because most if not all of my songs and paintings are biographical. Its just a different way to express myself creatively. The message is still the same though.

What about your future plans? What are you going to do? Exibitions? Concert?
Fuck Yea! I have an art exhibtion Sunday October 25 in NYC titled “Happy Nomad”. It is a collection of work that i have made while traveling and living abroad. I will be showing paintings, drawings and photos. I am also currently working with Dj/producer Sean B on a follow up ep titled “Virgin Shuffle”. It will contain 3 new Black Peter Group songs; “Pope Sex”, “Virgin Shuffle” and “Dirty Bunny”. No date set yet but will post updates on


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