Samhain: a personal project by Emma Pastechi

This project is the result of a personal study of the female figure. She wanted to represent femininity and its  close connection with nature.

She decided to call this project “Samhain” as the ancient festival of Gaelic origin, because it was partly inspired by the stories of the Salem witches. So she decided to use dark tones and make the models wear fabrics and gothic embroidery.

Before taking the photos Emma did some research and took as an example some iconic characters from literature, cinema or TV series like Vanessa Ives (Penny Dreadful) or the great writer Mary Shelley.

From here she recreated a small story told through shadows and lights, intense looks and dreamy eyes. Whispered  secrets, songs  handed down from ancient times.

Emma told  the story of two sisters, not of blood but by choice. A bond that is strengthened, a physical and spiritual protection that goes  beyond time and space. the foliage of the trees  moved by the wind is the background and enveloped the two slender figures, uniting their embraces, the two sisters are listening and waiting for something.

For Emma it was essential to recreate a natural  environment, in which her models could feel at ease, because  only then would their best part, the most  primitive and wild, be released. In fact, she tried not to over do the makeup or excessive precision in hairstyles, as she wanted their hair to move in the wind and their expressions were not hidden by the perfection of the make-up.

She has chosen black and white  photography, as with everything she does, it is conditioned by her moods. And now she thinks that black and white represents it.

About the author of this story:
Emma Pastechi was born in 1995. She lives in Pisa and studies cinema, communication and music.

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