Save the Wall – Berlin

East Side Gallery Demo © Petra Fantozzi

The Berlin Wall is the symbol of a fifty-years division between east and west Germany. It catalized the attention of Europe and the entire world for many decades. It has long since disappeared from reunified Berlin. Memories of the Wall, however, are still very much alive, and many of the visitors who come from all over the world are disappointed or surprised to find that so little remains of Berlin’s most infamous structure. The longest piece of Berlin Wall is called “East Side Gallery”, is situated along the Spree river and measures ca. 1,5 km.

East Side Gallery Demo © Petra Fantozzi

Due to the fast developing jerry-building in Berlin, the wall is under demolition risk. On March 3th 2013 more than 10.000 people demonstrated against the demolition of the monument and able to stop the works. There is a petition you can sign at this link below. Let´s save the Berlin Wall together.

Photos: Petra Fantozzi

East Side Gallery Demo © Petra Fantozzi

East Side Gallery Demo © Petra Fantozzi

East Side Gallery Demo © Petra Fantozzi

East Side Gallery Demo © Petra Fantozzi

East Side Gallery Demo © Petra Fantozzi

East Side Gallery Demo © Petra Fantozzi

East Side Gallery Demo © Petra Fantozzi

East Side Gallery Demo © Petra Fantozzi

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