The Fearless Project

“When we fear things I think that we wish for them … every fear hides a wish.” – David Mamet

The Fearless Project

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The Fearless Project is an art and cultural initiative bringing together artists, outsiders, thinkers, musicians, designers, writers, creatives: anyone who has ever had the urge to do something outside of their comfort zone. The project encourages and celebrates the bold, the creative, the daring – the fearless in every one of us.

As an emerging force in the downtown fashion and art communities, Justin Violini curates atmospheres that explore our own individual boundaries. Justin’s consistent interest in bridging the art and fashion communities are fused with his own references such as Mapplethorpe, Patti Smith, Warhol, Jenny Livingston’s ‘Paris Is Burning’.

“Andy Warhol said ‘Art is what you can get away with’. Redefining the context of art is definitely a part of this process. But really, pushing personal limits play a far larger role in the Fearless Project,” says Mr. Violini.


The inaugural exhibition is titled ‘Instant’ and like its name, it is here and gone in an instant: a one night only event. The installation features a film component and a Polaroid display featuring over 75 individual male facial expressions at orgasm. The curator not only explores the relationship between you and the subject but also the authenticity of the moment.

Initial presentation of the work requires altering the gallery space itself. ‘Instant’ will integrate street art elements from neighborhoods known for their creative influences including downtown NYC and E. Berlin. This includes Xerox, stickers and graffiti.


Artist Jan Wandrag and Adam Baran will also be presenting an exclusive preview of their project

The event will take place in Thursday, June 17th from 6:30 – 9 at the Robert Goff Gallery. This includes viewing of the installation and a variety of programming curated exclusively for the evening.

Contributing artists of note confirmed at the time of release for Instant include photographer John Arsenault, Gio Black Peter, David M. Buisán and Stuart Sandford. The range of participants features emerging, established, uptown and downtown personalities from around the world.

Don’t be afraid.

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