Photo: Florian Ruiz

Along the roads leading to the Fukushima nuclear plant, The french Photographer Forian Ruiz took pictures of the radioactive contamination’s presence.

He wanted to show the beauty of places abandoned by inhabitants who favored interior’s refuge in order to avoid radioactive radiation. Inspired by American landscape photography of the 60’s photography, he captured common colors and scenery like parking lots, gas stations, billboards…

With a geiger counter, Florian measured the radioactive contamination’s presence in becquerels (Bq), a unit that ex- presses atom disintegration and its mutation’s number per second. By a process of staggered super-impression, he intended to show the atom’s alteration in my pictures. Then, he created a vibration, a departure from the reality of the subject that reveals the presence of radiation in the image. The process reinvents and twists the very land- scape, leading to a sort of vertigo or malaise linked to the quivering of the invisible.

About the Author:
Florian Ruiz is a French photographer, he seeks to test the bounds of photography by challenging its ability to render an image of what is invisible to the eye by means of time and distortion. His most recent work, « Fukushima, invisible pain » is second of the Sony World Photography 2013 in the professional Conceptual category, finalist of the International Emerging Artist Award 2013, won the Arpia prize 2014 and finalist of the LensCulture Earth Awards 2015. He’s living and working in Tokyo.

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