Interview with… Dmitriy Karelin

Dmitry Karelin
Photo: Dmitry Karelin

When did you start to think about photography?
Actually I started to be interested about photography during the summer 2014, when my comrade gave me an amazing film camera Nikkormat FT3 with lens Nikkor 50mm f1.4 and i used it for a trip to the mountains. I shot about 20 rolls of film that summer. Before this moment I just took a lot of pictures with my iPhone and i posted into my Instagram account.

Photo: Dmitriy Karelin

What does photography mean to you? and which kind of photography do you like more?
Photography allows me to give other people all beautiful things that I see everyday. Also I feel that photography is craft which I really do well. I like more using film cameras because you have limited number of shots, and you are just shooting for those special moments. Also I like my own mechanical camera Nikon EL2.

When you take a portrait, what is important for you?
To catch such moments, when the model has a natural emotions. I’m changing my positions but I don’t talk with my model a lot, I’m just shooting. When you tell model to do particular things it would not be a natural photo anymore.

Photo: Dmitriy Karelin

Do you think it’s important to follow a school to learn how to shoot?

No, i don’t think so. I guess that when you start to learn by yourself how to shoot and you get really into that, you will find out how much you are able to love photography. I have never been to school. I think that in this world the most important thing is to get more practice.

What’s the photo you want to take and you never did?
I’d like to take a picture that can communicate through the eyes of the person represented the life he has lived. I would also like to photograph wild animals in their natural habitat.

Photo: Dmitriy Karelin

What’s your photo-mission?
My mission is about showing to other people the beauty of daily life moments.


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