The 3 Simple Structural Changes That Will Help You Sell Your Home Quicker Than Ever Before

In many ways, it has never been easier to sell your home than it is now. Not only can you guarantee a quick house sale with Open Property group and similar service providers, for example, but demand continues to outstrip supply in the housing market as a whole.

The fact that it is easy to sell your home in 2016 may breed complacency among some vendors, however, causing them to sell quickly without optimising the resale value in their home. This may be a false economy, especially if you are looking to upgrade and invest in a more expensive home.

3 Simple structural and architectural changes that will help you to sell your home

Fortunately, there is a balance to be found between selling your property in its existing form and spending heavily in the quest of an optimal return. More specifically, you can pursue simple and affordable modifications that will appeal to buyers and help you to sell your home quickly, while also justifying an inflated price point.

So here are three structural changes that will help you to sell your home quickly and for a profit:

Modernise your Kitchen and Bathroom

positive1Assuming that you have at least some money to spend when remodelling your home, prioritising the modernisation of your kitchen and bathroom should be a priority. These trend-driven structural changes are easy and relatively cost-effective to implement, while they also serve the dual purpose of appealing to buyers and driving a return.

In financial terms, the installation of a new kitchen and bathroom will cost an estimated £14,500 in total. They deliver an average ROI of 49% and 48% repsectively, which could in theory add in excess of £7,000 to the value of your home. While this is hard to quantify in the current market, there is no doubt that these changes will enhance the visual appeal of your property and driver a higher demand.

Consider installing a breakout fireplace in the living room


The living room is also an important space, and one that often dominates the thoughts of aspiring buyers alike. There are a number of small structural and architectural changes that you can make in this room, with the addition of a breakout fireplace one of the easiest and most effective. A breakout fireplace simply requires you to make a small recess beneath the chimney stack, and once complete it can serve as a stylish design feature and interior focal point.

While the viability of this will depend on the size and layout of your room, this can add a unique dimension to any living room and help to have a positive influence in the minds’ of buyers.

Redefine the exterior of your home


This is a sweeping and overarching project, and one that reinforces the importance of curb appeal in the modern age. Buyers take approximately seven seconds to form an impression of your home, meaning that you must take the first opportunity you get to engage them.

Exterior structural changes can vary in their scope and nature, including everything from replacing chipped door-frames and broken roof tiles to landscaping your garden space. The financial ROI on this type of work is estimated at 75%, so you can also add value to your home and target a more motivated audience of buyers.

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